government established De Technische Hoogeschool te Bandung (THS) on July 3, 1920, on a 30-hectare plot of land in Bandung
in Development Studies
and Engineering Higher
Education in Indonesia

theory, strategy and ideology. Development Studies at the School of Architecture, Planning and Policy
in Development Studies


attend the SAPPK Graduation Thanksgiving (online) event, April 2021
in Development Studies

in Development Studies
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Magister Studi Pembangunan Periode Juli 2021

in Development Studies
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Profile of Development Studies

Development Studiesis a multi-disciplinaryfield of study that deals with three aspects of development: theory, strategy and ideology. Development Studies at the School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development ITB focuses on the understanding of theories, normative principles, and strategies of development within a holistic framework that takes into account aspects of economy, politics, socio-cultural, technology, humanity, and sustainable environment. It endeavors to provide the state of the art in the field of development studies, to achieve academic excellence and to enhance its role in the development process of the Indonesian society
Kehidupan Kampus
Tempat berkumpulnya orang-orang kreatif dan berprestasi dari seluruh dunia
Ir. Agus Jatnika Effendi, Ph.D.
Sambutan Direktur Kampus ITB Jatinangor
Disampaikan pada pidato dalam rangka Kegiatan MOMBA 2020
Jatinangor adalah pusat pendidikan tinggi baru di Indonesia di mana empat universitas besar berada di daerah tersebut. Kampus ITB Jatinangor dirancang secara strategis untuk menjadi pusat unggulan teknik dan pengelolaan sumber daya alam serta potensi ilmu pengetahuan lainnya. Kami menyambut mahasiswa masa depan untuk merasakan suasana akademik yang tak tertandingi dan kepada calon mitra, kami berharap dapat berkolaborasi dalam mencapai visi dan misi ITB melalui tiga pilar penyelenggaraan pendidikan tinggi.