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Master Thesis Defense: “Flood Risk Analyis Of The Spatial Pattern Plan In Bandung City Gedebage Area”

Sidang Tesis: “Analisis Resiko Banjir Terhadap Rencana Pola Ruang di SWK Gedebage Kota Bandung”

Master Thesis Defense: “Flood Risk Analyis Of The Spatial Pattern Plan In Bandung City Gedebage Area”

Master Thesis Defense of candidate graduate of Development Studies – SAPPK ITB on behalf of Dian Meisana Anugrah was held on May 3, 2021. The Master Thesis Defense was held online via video conference.

Dian Meisana Anugrah presented his study entitled “Flood Risk Analyis Of The Spatial Pattern Plan In Bandung City Gedebage Area”

The Master Thesis Defense was attended by Mr. Saut Aritua H. Sagala, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D. as a supervising lecturer and Mr. Ir. Tubagus Furqon Sofhani, MA., Ph.D and Mr. Dr. Ir. Sonny Yuliar as examiner.

Master Thesis Defense is one of the graduation requirements to obtain a Master's degree from the Bandung Institute of Technology.